Anastasia-BioCare.com/is the online store for the display and sale of the products, via the Internet,

of YOUR MEMBERSHIP. EVANGELOS INDIVIDUAL COMPANY of a Greek limited liability company with the name Melas “Oil Production of Epidaurian Land”,
located at X A SARRI AGIOS VLASSIS TAPIA Street 3 Lygourio Epidaurus Argolidos and t.c. 21052, with VAT number 020622688 Nafplio University and contact phone +30 2753023543
Before entering the online store and browsing the website, we invite you to consult the following terms of use that apply specifically to access the “Anastasia-BioCare.com/” online store, at athina@anastasia-biocare.com
Make sure that you agree with the terms and conditions of use, as they are formulated in the following sections, as the visitor’s stay on the pages of this website and any future transaction with the website Anastasia-BioCare.com/, governed by the following conditions , implies unconditional acceptance of these terms and conditions.
Anastasia-BioCare.com/ reserves the right to unilaterally modify or renew the present terms and conditions of transactions, made through its online store. Anastasia-BioCare.com undertakes to inform users of any changes through the website of this online store. It is clarified that the change of terms does not include, nor does it affect, past orders and transactions, which have already been processed.

Anastasia-BioCare.com/ undertakes the completeness and validity of the information listed
on its website (Anastasia-BioCare.com/), regarding the existence of the essential characteristics, which are listed as the case may be for each product available, but also regarding the accuracy of the data regarding the provided – by Anastasia’s online store – BioCare.com/ – services.
There is always the risk of any technical or typographical errors, which have escaped attention, have occurred unintentionally or due to any short interruptions in the operation of the website due to unforeseen external factors. However, we make the maximum effort to listen to the needs and demands of our customers, providing high standard services, with continuous quality and functionality checks.

Anastasia-BioCare.com/ is the official website of Anastasia-BioCare.com/. All content of the website posted by Anastasia-BioCare.com/, including images, graphics, photographs, designs, texts, services and products provided are the intellectual property of Anastasia-BioCare.com/ and are protected according to the relevant provisions of Greek Law , European Law and International Conventions.
The names, images, logos and distinctive features that represent Anastasia-BioCare.com/and/or its online store and appear on its websites and other contracted websites are exclusive trademarks and distinctive features of Anastasia-BioCare .com/and/or Anastasia-BioCare.com/. All of the above is protected by Greek, EU and international trademark, industrial and intellectual property and unfair competition laws.
In any case, their appearance and exposure on the Anastasia-BioCare.com/ website should in no way be considered as a transfer or assignment of a license or right to use them and does not imply freedom of use or other claims.

The primary obligation of the visitor of this page is to accept the terms and conditions of use as well as to understand them in depth in order to avoid any misunderstandings.
Users of Anastasia-BioCare.com/websites and Anastasia-BioCare.com/ online store agree that they will not use it to send, publish or otherwise transmit any content that is illegal, harmful, threatening, offensive, annoying, defamatory , is defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libelous, invasive of another’s privacy, hateful, or expresses racial, ethnic or other discrimination. Or in addition, what may cause harm to minors in any way, is not entitled to be transmitted in accordance with the legislative frameworks, contractual or management relationships (such as inside information, proprietary and confidential information obtained or disclosed as part of employment relationships or that covered in confidentiality agreements). It shall not infringe any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary right of any third party, contain software viruses or any other harmful code, files or programs, designed to disrupt, damage, destroy or obstructing the operation of any computer software or hardware, intentionally or unintentionally, violates the applicable Greek and Community legislation and its provisions, may harass third parties in any way and any content is used to collect or store users’ personal data.

Anastasia-BioCare.com/ recognizes the paramount importance of the security of your Personal Data, as well as your electronic transactions. Therefore, it takes all the necessary measures, with the most modern and advanced methods, to ensure the maximum possible security. All information related to your personal information and transactions is secure and confidential. The security that governs every action with the Anastasia-BioCare.com Online Store is ensured and achieved by the following methods:

Customer Identification
The codes used to identify each member are two: the User Name (e-mail or username) and the Personal Security Password (password), which each time they are registered in combination, give you access to your personal information with absolute security.
Clearly, each member is given the possibility to change his Personal Security Password (password) and his electronic mail address (e-mail), as often as he wishes. Each member is solely responsible for maintaining the secrecy and concealment of their personal login and login information from third parties. In the event of their loss or leakage, you should immediately notify the website administrators, otherwise the Anastasia-BioCare.com online store bears no responsibility for the use of the password by an unauthorized person.
For security reasons, it is recommended to change the password at regular intervals, avoiding the use of old and easily detectable passwords (eg date of birth). Also, we recommend using not only letters and numbers, but also symbols to create a password. Increasing their complexity ensures more security.
Securing the Privacy of the Transfer of Your Personal Data
To ensure the confidentiality of the data transfer, we use the SSL encryption protocol.

Confidentiality of Transactions
Privacy is self-evident and a commitment.
The same basic principles that govern classic transactions also apply in the case of e-commerce. All information transmitted by the user – member to Anastasia-BioCare.com/ is confidential and Anastasia-BioCare.com/ has taken all the necessary measures, so that it is used only to the extent that this is deemed necessary, in the context of services provided. Only authorized employees have access to members’ transaction information and only when necessary, e.g. to process applications.
It is worth noting that Anastasia-BioCare.com/does not disclose the details of customers and their transactions, unless it has written authorization from you or is required by a court order or decision of another public Authority that falls under the relevant legislation.
Without prejudice to the provisions of chapter 7 of the applicable legislation regarding Personal Data, you may request any information held about you, as well as its correction in the event that you can document the existence of an error.
For your personal safety, you should also treat all information provided through the service as strictly confidential and confidential and not disclose it to third parties.

During your visit to the pages of Anastasia-BioCare.com/, it is possible that you will be asked to declare your personal information, such as name, last name, occupation, e-mail address, product shipping address, etc. The above is necessary, as a rule, to process your orders or provide our services to the best extent. The personal data you declare anywhere on the pages and services of Anastasia-BioCare.com/ websites are kept exclusively and only for reasons related to your transactions with us, the improvement of the services provided and ensuring the operation of the respective service. It is clear that they are not allowed to be used by any third party (with the exception of the competent authorities provided by the Law).
In any case, the employees of MELAS VAS. EVANGELOS who have access to your personal data are specific and fully qualified. Access to your personal data by unauthorized persons is expressly prohibited. Every necessary measure to secure your personal data has been taken. In extremely rare and special cases, your personal information may also be disclosed to businesses cooperating with Anastasia-BioCare.com, in order to support, promote and execute your business relationship with us, but always under conditions that ensure fully that your personal information is not subject to any illegal processing.
Please contact us using the special contact form, which is attached to the Anastasia-BioCare.com/ website, in order to be further informed about issues of privacy and ensuring the protection of your personal data.

Anastasia-BioCare.com/ makes every effort to provide high quality services. It always involves, however, the extremely rare case of mistakes in prices and minor product features.
We recommend that before making purchases from our online store, you visit the “Help & Terms of Use” section, where you will find useful information about the process and how to purchase the products.
It is worth noting that for complete transparency and efficiency of purchases, we invite you, if you find that a product is offered at an unusually low or high price in relation to its market value, before proceeding with the order, to contact the Customer Service Department at 2753022543 or through the contact form or the e-mail of the company’s website.
In case there is any pending issue with your order, then you will be sent a corresponding e-mail. Alternatively, we will contact you on the contact phone number you indicated when you registered on the site.
There is no way to disable or pause these updates, the sending of which is a condition for the correct progress of your order. Please keep the e-mails for the entire duration of the transaction. It is your obligation, in the event that you do not receive the relevant e-mails, in accordance with the general conditions governing our transactions, to inform us without delay.

Anastasia-BioCare.com/ takes care of every possible need of its customers.
Therefore, you are given the option to cancel your order, subject to certain conditions.
Before the order placement part of the process is completed, during the online process you can “back”
and remove the product quantities from your cart by clicking on the “remove” button.
Once the above process is completed and you wish to cancel your order,
you should contact us in time (6930376265), using your personal information as a reference
and the confirmation number sent to you when completing your order.
The time frame for canceling the order is defined in less than 24 hours from its placement and before it is shipped.
Returns are accepted after direct contact with the service department.
If the respective product has a manufacturing defect or obvious abrasion that occurred during its manufacture,
then Anastasia-BioCare.com/ undertakes to settle the matter.
With the exercise of rescission, but without a constructive issue,
you are obliged to return the product to us in its original excellent condition, in which it was delivered to you,
but also provide clear and indisputable evidence that you have sent it safely within 14 calendar days
In the event that the reasonable period of time elapses and/or any subsequent damage occurs to the object,
the responsibility lies exclusively with the buyer and the company MELAS VAS. EVANGELOS.
bears no responsibility.
If the shipping costs of returning the product exceed the cost of the universal postal service,
are not covered by YOUR MEMBERSHIP. EVANGELOS and charge the customer.
You are not entitled to withdrawal in the cases of article 3l of Law 2251/94 and in any other case provided for by law or this in accordance with the law.

Payment by Debit Card:
The Anastasia-BioCare.com online store accepts Visa and Mastercard credit and debit cards. Your transactions in our online store are protected by the highest online security systems, which guarantee a safe trading environment. For purchases with your color card, follow the instructions in the corresponding steps in our online store. You should fill in the corresponding information that will be requested: your card number and expiration date, as well as the 3-digit number (CVV) printed on the back of your credit or debit card.
In case the order is made on behalf of a company, then the details and card you use must be corporate. That is, it must have been issued with the details of the respective company.
Payment upon receipt of the order at your location (cash on delivery):
The cash on delivery method is valid for all regions within Greece.
You pay the partner of our company, who will promote and deliver the order to your place.
*According to the applicable tax provisions, documents worth more than €500 (including VAT) to individuals (Retail Receipt)
and documents worth more than €500 (before VAT) to professionals/businesses (Sales Invoice)
should be paid ONLY in the following ways:
Deposit/transfer to a bank account:

NATIONAL BANK IBAN : GR60 0110 4270 0000 4274 0311 990
ALPHA BANK IBAN: GR42 0140 5400 5400 0200 2016 038
PIRAUS BANK IBAN : GR59 0171 1250 0061 2514 1381 449
EUROBANK : does not exist

Charge to credit or debit card

Collection and payment of the order from the Anastasia-BioCare.com/ store: this option does not exist

You can also pay your order at a discount to one of the following bank accounts with which we cooperate:
And send the copy of the bank payment order by email to athina@anastasiabiocare.com, stating your order number, so that identification can be done easily and quickly. Upon receiving the copy of the bank payment order, we will process your order.

Payment via PayPal is supported

As soon as you place your order, the following message appears on your screen (example): “YOUR ORDER HAS BEEN COMPLETED. THANK YOU. Your order number is xxxxx. Please check your e-mail. We have sent you a confirmation email with the details of your order.”

During periods of extreme weather or strikes, as well as in any case of force majeure, the transport and delivery of your order may be affected.
Also, in the event that it is impossible to contact the customer by phone or email, mainly due to incorrect or out-of-date information, you may experience a possible delay. In any case, these delays do not exceed thirty days from the conclusion of the contract

Anastasia-BioCare.com/ regularly sends informative emails, however, it is not responsible if said messages are not delivered to their destination, despite the fact that it makes every effort with ISP’s (Internet Service providers) to their delivery.
There is always the possibility that they will be placed in the spam folder, so please check regularly that they are not stored there.
To limit this possibility, we recommend that you put the Anastasia-BioCare.com/ shipping address in your favorites list.
In the event that you no longer wish to receive informative newsletters or wish to be completely unsubscribed from the Anastasia-BioCare.com/ newsletter system, you can inform us using the site’s contact form.
The update from Anastasia-BioCare.com/, takes place only if you choose it and for as long as you wish.

These Terms of Use apply to product presentations and customer reviews, a service of Anastasia-BioCare.com/. They do not apply to the entire Anastasia-BioCare.com/ website, which has its own Terms of Use.
By submitting your review and presentation to Anastasia-BioCare.com/, you agree and warrant that:
The content of the presentation is your own creation and is not the intellectual property of a third party
The presentation does not contain abusive, religious or racist comments, insults to other members of Anastasia-BioCare.com/ and third-party reviews, discussions of pirated software, illegal activities or deliberate abuse of the product warranty and terms of use
Your writing is about the product being reviewed, does not refer to product pricing, and is not misleading or deliberately defamatory
The presentation does not include email addresses, personal information of third parties, telephone numbers, links from shops, malicious websites or websites with content that does not concern the product of the presentation
You do not post multiple identical presentations (spamming)
You agree that Anastasia-BioCare.com/ (including all officers, employees and partners of the company) is not responsible for any legal or non-legal matter, natural or legal person, arising as a result of ignoring the above Terms of Use.
For each presentation and review you submit, you grant Anastasia-BioCare.com/ full ownership of that material to copy, modify, delete in its entirety, adopt, publish, translate, use in any electronic or printed form and sell , without having any copyright on it.
Each presentation and evaluation may be used at the discretion of Anastasia-BioCare.com/. Anastasia-BioCare.com/ has the inalienable right to change, modify or delete any form of material that will be published on Anastasia-BioCare.com/ and its subpages, if it determines that its content constitutes an abuse of the above Terms of Use.
Anastasia-BioCare.com/ does not guarantee that you will always be able to modify or delete material uploaded through Anastasia-BioCare.com/. However, Anastasia-BioCare.com/ has the right to remove or refuse to publish a presentation and review for any reason.
By writing a review or presentation on Anastasia-BioCare.com/ you acknowledge that you are solely responsible for its content and not Anastasia-BioCare.com/.
By providing your email address along with a product submission and review, you agree that Anastasia-BioCare.com/ has the right to use it to contact you about the status of the submission or review and for other administrative purposes.
Please do not use Greek. Make your review easy to read and understand by using Greek characters.

Anastasia-BioCare.com/ guarantees timely information to consumers about the unavailability of finished products. The online store of Anastasia-BioCare.com/ is not responsible for technical problems that may occur to users, when they attempt to access and access the website, and are related to the operation or compatibility of their own infrastructure.
In addition, Anastasia-BioCare.com/ bears no responsibility for acts or omissions of third parties and in particular unauthorized interventions by third parties in products and/or services and/or information available through the website. Furthermore, it does not guarantee that the pages, services, options and contents will be provided without interruption and without errors.

Anastasia-BioCare.com/ places special emphasis on serving the needs of consumers and solving any problems arising from their dealings with it. However, in the event that we are unable to fully resolve any issues that may arise and you consider that – to any extent – any of your rights have been violated by the transactions between us, you can seek to resolve any disputes by resorting to the Electronic Dispute Resolution Platform (EDP). as provided for in article 14 of Regulation 524/2013. You can submit any dispute you may have for resolution to the AED. The national contact point for the ODR in Greece has been designated the European Consumer Center Greece, information about which and dispute resolution can be found at ec.europa.eu/odr.
You can also contact the Consumer Advocate (www.synigoroskatanaloti.gr). The above does not limit in any way the rights that both you and we have to resort to the competent courts.

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